
Saturday, January 22, 2011

basics of measurement and control notes 2

Nothing special was taught, only an overview of Measurement and Control was given. The two things that were explained were :-
1)open loop system:- in such kind of system there is no importance of the output quality , so there is no feedback mechanism to measure the variables and control them.
INPUT——–>OUTPUT(no quality requirement)
2)closed loop system:- in such a system the importance of output quality is high and hence there is a feedback mechanism made to control the system variables to maintain the system at the set point conditions. So there are sensors to measure the variables and controllers to control or say keep the system at required state  :D
INPUT——control—->output( required quality)                                                                                                                        |________feedback____|
that was the entire classs 1 of BMC
As per suggestion of kunal , the below section is added:-
Summing point is a point that gathers the information(process variable/value) given by sensors and the set parameters to find an error in the process output, so that an feedback can be generated to control the process and obtain an output as per set parameters.
Error= Set parameter(SP) – Process variable/value (VP)

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