
Saturday, January 22, 2011

basics of measurement and control notes 2

Nothing special was taught, only an overview of Measurement and Control was given. The two things that were explained were :-
1)open loop system:- in such kind of system there is no importance of the output quality , so there is no feedback mechanism to measure the variables and control them.
INPUT——–>OUTPUT(no quality requirement)
2)closed loop system:- in such a system the importance of output quality is high and hence there is a feedback mechanism made to control the system variables to maintain the system at the set point conditions. So there are sensors to measure the variables and controllers to control or say keep the system at required state  :D
INPUT——control—->output( required quality)                                                                                                                        |________feedback____|
that was the entire classs 1 of BMC
As per suggestion of kunal , the below section is added:-
Summing point is a point that gathers the information(process variable/value) given by sensors and the set parameters to find an error in the process output, so that an feedback can be generated to control the process and obtain an output as per set parameters.
Error= Set parameter(SP) – Process variable/value (VP)

strength of materials 2

In this class there were 3 questions that were put infront of us, they were:-
1) explain importance, relevance and application of this subject in petroleum engineering?
ans:- The entire petroleum industry works efficiently due to proper material selection as the working condition of each part is different, also the stress each section has to go through is different so , it is very vital to understand the properties of the materials to be used in the field as they have to be at various stress conditions. Example: Drill rig, transport pipelines, refinery units etc. so in short knowing strength of  materials is really important
2) explain the titanic ship failure?
ans:- the failure happened due to following reasons: a) Human error ( carelessness, insufficient technology and incorrect estimation)
b) Ice berg collision
c) Ductile to brittle transition at low temp (this is the major reason and is related to the subject so try to learn abt it more from material elective slides)
3) Draw a drill rig structure and show the various stresses acting on various parts
ans: this is the simplest question and anyone can do it, so not adding it. If anyone wants help with it, then just contact me(shail).
have fun :D

petroleum geology notes2

2nd lecture of petroleum geology
porosity is of 2 types:-
bulk: The porosity calculated considering the total pore spaces.
effective: the porosity calculated considering the pores that can hold hydrocarbon.
The component that will occupy the pore depends upon the pore size
Sedimentary texture:-structure formed due to sedimentation. It is of two types:-
1)that forms on surface:- Depends on flow and deposional enviornment(also known as bed forms)[example:ripple marks]
2)that forms in beds:-current bedding. enourmous importance in studying the depositional history.
Sedimentary structures are used to know the paleocurrent flow.
most indian oils are generated from type-3 kerogens. type-3 kerogens are derived from terrestial organic matter.
During the last glacial period the sea level decreases about 138 metres. lot of shelf was exposed, the base level of erosion went down
so no deposition in vast area Because slope of shelf is very less. Such an kind of unconformity formed is known
as 1st order unconformity.
Primary migration:- low permiability rock, Fine grain rock.
secondary migration:- high permeability rock, coarse grain rock.
Thats all for todays class.
For any suggestions and corrections, please post comments

strength of materials

What are the types of possible stresses:-
tensile:- Pulling force on both ends of rod
compression:- pushing force on both sides
shear:- parallel forces applied at different plane of action
torsion:- twisting force
Engineering stress:- F/A(i)
engineering strain:- l(f)-l(i)/l(i)
here F= Force , A(i)= initial area ,l(f)= final length ,l(i)=intial length

Transport phenomena notes

transport phenomena
For the introduction he only told about the uses of DIMENSION ANALYSIS which all of us knows and if ne1 wants it then please let me knw(SAURABH)….
k one thing which he mentioned was about DIMENSIONLESS GROUPS…..
DIMENSIONLESS GROUPS = Group of symbols may be put together , either by theory or based on experiment, that have no net units , these are called dimensionless groups.
No. of dimensionless groups = (No. of variables) – (No. of fundamental dimensions)
———–>    WHAT IS “SLUG“????
MASS is derived!!!!
Dimensions used in this system:
L                 F                 T
ft                lbf s         (ft=feet    lbf=pound force   s=seconds)
1 slug = 1 lbf / (1 ft/s2)
—-> FOR 1 lb of mass, 1 lbf force produces 32.1740 ft/sacceleration
FORCE is derived!!!!
Dimensions used in this system:
L                 M                 T
ft                 lb                  s       (ft=feet    lb=pound   s=seconds)
—-> FOR 1 lb of mass, 1 POUNDAL produces 1 ft/sacceleration
where POUNDAL is the force….
F (Pound Force) = ( MASS (Pound) x ACCELERATION (ft/s2) ) / gc
Pound weight force = Pound force ………..(where g = 32.1740 ft/s2)
Normally in various books problems are solved by using both ‘gc’ and ‘g’….
Where, g = gc/32.1740
if you have ne correction to be made in this then please let me know(SAURABH SURYAWANSHI)

Added section:-

Generally to increase the no of dimensions and to differentiate between various entities of same units, L is taken as a vector and is expressed in terms of  (Lx ,Ly,Lz)
work:- M Lx  T^-2  Lx
Torque:- M  Lx  T^-2  Ly
angular velocity:- (Lx/Ly) T^-1
frequency:- T^-1
Shear stress:- F/ Lx  Ly^1/2  Lz^1/2
Scaling of   degree R, degree F, degree C and Kelvin(K) :-
100 delta(degree C) = 180 delta(degree F)
same is for K and degree R
The relation between R and K :- [note: scaling and relation are different terms dont mix them up]
R = 1.8 K
If there are any corrections and suggestions for added section contact me(shail)

petroleum geology notes

Petroleum geology
Theories of origin of petroleum:-
organic origin theory is widely accepted, as 97% of petroleum reservoirs are found in sedimentary rocks. Rest 3% are found in metamorphic as well as igneous rocks, that too with some conditions.
Inorganic theories:-
1) cosmic theory:- Bertheiot(1865) ,mendaleef(1877) suggested the formation of petroleum in earths interior by action of water on metallic carbides such as those of Ca and Fe.Another proposed mechanism involved in the interaction of alkali metals with co2 and water.
Metallic carbide + H2O vapour = CH4 + metallic hydroxide
Alkali metals + Co2 + H2O vapour = CH4 + alkali hydroxide
2) mantle theory/Gold’s earthquake out gassing theory:-
Enriched Delta(13C) of methane from hotspots of red sea, lake kivu(east africa) and pacific rise depicts an abiogenice origin(Mac donald).
Delta(13C) content in crude oil is -30%o(i.e per millenium)
some other key learning:-
oldest rock is found in greenland which is 4.2 billion years old.
2nd oldest rock is found in chota nagpur(singhbhum)
Origin of most petroleum in the world dates back to mesozoic to paleozoic
The origin of petroleum found in india lies in the cenozoic age.
NELP:- new exploration licensing policy [ it is now about 15 years old :D ]
Please post your comments for corrections and suggestions

basics of measurement and control notes

The systems need to be controled because there are disturbances that are created which deviate the system from its set point or say set parameters.
Kind of disturbances:-
1) stoichistic
2) deterministic
Control systems:- The system consisting of various componenets that are connected logically is a control system.
optimality:- Minimum input + [error--->0] = optimality (optimal control)
Transfer function:- relation between input and output.
TF :- laplace(output)/laplace(input) |initial condition zero
U1 + U2 —-> control system —-> Y
for U1=0 –> Y=Y1
for U2=0 –> Y=Y2
then for a linear system Y=Y1+Y2, this is superposition theorem.
Homogenity:- if input is 0 then output is zero is the priciple of homogenity.
then a simple example based on laplace transformation was solved in the class, to find the TF(transfer function)

advantages of forming dimensionless groups in dimensional analysis and study

A significant reduction in the number of “variables” to be investigated; that is, each dimensionless group, containing several physical variables, may be treated as a single compound “variable,” thereby reducing the number of experiments needed as well as the time required to correlate and interpret the experimental data.
Predicting the effect of changing one of the individual variables in a process (which it may be impossible to vary much in available equipment) by determining the effect of varying the dimensionless group containing this parameter (this must be done with some caution, however).
Making the results independent of the scale of the system and of the system of units being used.
Simplifying the scaling-up or scaling-down of results obtained with models of systems by generalizing the conditions which must exist for similarity between a system and its model.
Deducing variation in importance of mechanisms in a process from the numerical values of the dimensionless groups involved; for instance, an increase in the Reynolds number in a flow process indicates that molecular (viscous) transfer mechanisms will be less important relative to transfer by bulk flow (“inertia” effects), since the Reynolds number is known to represent a measure of the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces.

Temp scale formual and equations

From                              To                                 Formulae
Fahrenheit               Celsius                       C = ( F – 32) / 1.8
Fahrenheit               kelvin                         K = ( F +460) / 1.8
Fahrenheit               Rankine                    Ra =  F + 460
Celsius                        kelvin                        K = C  + 273.15
Celsius                       Rankine                     Ra = (C × 1.8 + 32) + 460
kelvin                         Rankine                    Ra = K × 1.8
Formulae Conversion Factors
9/5 = 1.8        9/4 = 2.25          10/8 = 1.25

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gmail Drive

Gmail is built on the idea that email can be more intuitive. And it comes with a whooping 7 GB or more of storage space. These acres of storage space make it a great medium for storing files. To do this you will need a software. This where GMail Drive comes in.
Gmail Drive allows you to use the storage of your gmail account like a virtual drive. GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google Gmail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your Gmail account. Gmail Drive is not very popular and widely adopted tool. However, I am sure many of you will like it.
Note: GMail Drive is not supported by Google.
How to Install the Gmail Drive
1) Go to the Gmail Drive website ( See the first external link below for this address. Scroll to the bottom and pick a download site, and download the file.
2) Extract the setup file from the ZIP and install it. The Gmail Drive will now appear in “My Computer”.
3) Create a filter and a label called “Gmail Drive” or something similar. The filter should put everything with “GMAILFS:” in the subject into the label. You should also have it skip the “Inbox”. This will prevent your Inbox from filling up with Gmail Drive stuff.
1) The Gmail Drive is fairly slow, so keep that in mind.
2)  Gmail may block this so be careful. GMail Drive is not officially supported by Google.

A video tutorial is below:-