
Saturday, January 22, 2011

strength of materials 2

In this class there were 3 questions that were put infront of us, they were:-
1) explain importance, relevance and application of this subject in petroleum engineering?
ans:- The entire petroleum industry works efficiently due to proper material selection as the working condition of each part is different, also the stress each section has to go through is different so , it is very vital to understand the properties of the materials to be used in the field as they have to be at various stress conditions. Example: Drill rig, transport pipelines, refinery units etc. so in short knowing strength of  materials is really important
2) explain the titanic ship failure?
ans:- the failure happened due to following reasons: a) Human error ( carelessness, insufficient technology and incorrect estimation)
b) Ice berg collision
c) Ductile to brittle transition at low temp (this is the major reason and is related to the subject so try to learn abt it more from material elective slides)
3) Draw a drill rig structure and show the various stresses acting on various parts
ans: this is the simplest question and anyone can do it, so not adding it. If anyone wants help with it, then just contact me(shail).
have fun :D

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